About Us


We are 2 active Frenchies – we love fitness and the outdoors, hitting training & surfing together, making memories, and having epic adventures!

Over the last years we have enjoyed sharing our lifestyle with our teammates and friends.
We separately dreamed about setting up an adventure retreat, but never had the courage and opportunity to do so. Life got away from us; we pursued studies, traveled for work and settled into the highs and lows of daily life – but, the spark for an adventure was always flickering in the background.

When we both met on the mats, we quickly realized that we were sharing the same values and lifestyle and the idea of organizing a retreat together was crystal clear.

We both participated in different retreats but never had anything combining our lifestyle between martial arts, surfing, adventure & healthy living. From here “Nosso Jeito” (our way in Portuguese) was born. It was clear! We didn’t want to have any regrets wondering what might have been, so… we finally made it official!

We jumped in with both feet, committed to create incredible, life-changing experiences that we could share with like-minded people from all over the world.
We know that through “Nosso Jeito” , you too will find inspiration, personal growth, motivation and courage to go after your dreams and the things that make you truly happy!

Meet Your Hosts…


Hey guys I’m Clémence, an enthusiastic Frenchy…

At the age of 20, I traveled to Brazil to do voluntary work in an orphanage. This is where I started surfing and became aware of my passions for the ocean, the importance of living in harmony with nature and how connections with others was the strongest nourishment people could get.
Passionate about travels and adventures I pursued a master’s degree in hospitality management that led me to live and work in many countries and become an expert at creating wonderful guest journey experiences.

In 2015 I settled in Dubai which was far away from being an ideal place for me, not enough nature, very little waves however this is where I deepened my yoga practice and then certified as a yoga teacher in 2018 and became a certified Integrative Nutrition Coach.

Loving putting myself out of my comfort zone, I started BJJ in 2022. Jiu Jitsu and surfing shared a similar mindset and lifestyle that required both mental and physical strength and a never-ending learning.
Now I want to share these experiences with others, and I am so excited to meet you and share some incredible moments together!


Salut, I am Claire, an epicurean passionate about life and all its pleasures…

Athlete since my early age (handball, mountain bike, skiing), it was at 18 that I discovered surfing and fell in love with it immediately.
What I like the most about this lifestyle, it’s the connection with nature, the strong cleansing effect of the seabreeze and the soothing power of watching the waves.

This passion led me to participate in several surf camps in Portugal, Spain, France, which have allowed me to discover new horizons and live magical moments.

I am super keen on all things fitness, adventure, and outdoors, and love to get after it as much as I can. I know the benefits of keeping fit and maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle.
I love my morning routine which always consists of making fresh juices with healing ingredients and moving my body.

In 2022 I started Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in Dubai, a discipline that I am passionate about and that has many similarities with surfing.

My dream was to organize a retreat that would combine my passion for the Ocean, BJJ, healthy living and share it with others.
For me, dreams are made to be realized, and I am determined to achieve my goals.